This entry is part 16 of 106 in the series CULT or NOT

Mormonism: Archeological Evidence

  • Book of Mormon claims:
    • great number of people in these two civilizations
    • 38 cities catalogued
    • presence of Old World domestic animals and grains
    • use of iron
  • Archeologists repudiate claims:
    • no evidence of wheat, oats, barley, rice, cattle, pigs, chickens horses, etc. until 1492
    • Iron, steel, glass, silk did not appear in New World before 1492
    • Some metallurgy, like gold, silver, copper was present before 1492, but not iron.
    • No similarities between Egyptian and Mexican artifacts have ever been found.
    • No major ruins have been found
    • American Indian is genotypically and phenotypically similar to Mongoloid not Caucasoid (John Hopkins University study)

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